Thursday, May 31, 2012

Well, I didn't post yesterday...why?  I hate the stairs right now; they are NOT my friend.  I know that the word hate is a strong word and I mean just that.  Hate.  Yesterday, I was in such pain.  I have no words.  From 'Murph' on Monday to yesterday's WOD....I swear walking was PURE TORMENT!  I had to have looked like an 80-year old woman.

Kid's are almost done with school.  SWEET!  So it means I will be either at the beach, camping, working-out, or studying. (Scripture if you must know.) 

Yesterday...was what Wednesday?  YES, I went and worked out.  I sat in silence all the way there - the whole 15-minutes.  I want to get back to the basics in my life.  Anyways.  Yesterday's workout was torment, especially after all of those squats on Monday.  

Workout for Wednesday, May 30
Run 400 m
3 Rounds
10 KB High Pulls
10 Superman
10 Hollow Rocks

Hamstring mobilizing
Tack and stretch with lacrosse ball
Stretch with band

3 Rounds
20 Squat Cleans (95/65)  --- 42
20 Burpees
20 Box Jumps

I don't have my time in front of me but know it was over 18 minutes and the last round it was cut down a bit on the burpees and squat cleans.  I was in utter pain!!!!  But I did it.  That says a lot.  I still hurt a bit, but I made it down the stairs.  Partially because laundry is screaming at me and I had to post!!!  So, feel honored. :)

Today's WOD was swapped UP.  Yeah.. psht.  A young in', graduating I don't know what, but I think high school, started today.  This as I reflect on my 20-year class reunion is creeping up on me.  ooo in 17.1 weeks.  NOT that I am counting.  Ugh, I don't even know if I want to go.  Reason why facebook is ruining such things.  People are snoops, not wanting real face time, therefore, ruining all the fun of the surprises of reunions!  (just my two cents) 

Workout for Thursday, May 31
Run 400 m
3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
10 Glute Bridges
10 Pushups

Kipping Pullup Practice

3 Rounds
In 3 Minutes
Sprint 100 m
5 Wall Walks
10 Toes to Bar
Walk back to start line and begin again when 3 minutes is up.
Your rest is determined by how fast you finish each round.

Okay, I don't run....sprint, anything of the sort -- YET.   My knee is such a hot mess.  So, I row.  I think I am getting pretty good at it!  Seriously, maybe its because I actually went three times this week.  *tapping chin* Yep, that has to be it.

Oh, we didn't do 3 rounds for the WOD today either.  It was Brian's, *rolling eyes* amazing idea to do 5 rounds instead.  LUCKY ME!  My wall walks were up a box.  I swear.  Nothing is more humbling than realizing your a physically weak individual.  Well, maybe there are other things, but that takes the cake, as of this moment. 

SPEAKING OF CAKES.....I am having this stupid craving for pancakes.  IHOP's!  Please do not go out and eat them, if that sparked something scrap that idea. BUT, I did go to the movies last night with my two older kids and some friends.  I didn't eat as much popcorn as I normally do...ordered water, rather than pop......but ate a pretzel.  SHUSH.  UGH.....Believe me, I felt guilty.  Then we went to Panera.  I will say that place is heaven.  FIRST, I didn't eat a whole sandwich, only half and had soup.  I am only being honest.  I have to be honest with myself right?  I didn't eat like I used to.  ooo...and had half a carrot cake cupcake with my 10 year old.  smh  STOP.....  I am being honest!  I didn't sneak anything....geez.  If you were concerned you'd comment on my posts! LOL

After doing all that.   I am going to be doing a juice fast.  I want to clean out my system, I have some FUNKY things going on and it just needs to be rebooted.  Basically, I juice fruits and veggies, eat raw foods.  I will probably will have to add fish or chicken in at dinner.  Not sure on that yet.  

Okay, my washing machine stopped, so I have to get going.  You have a great day and do something awesome!   Until tomorrow!  -- not sure if I am going tomorrow or not yet..........

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